Block – Issue panel
The Issue panel is for creating the large parallax panels with issue/solution/vision and factoids over a fixed image background image, as below:

Adding New Blocks
Blocks are selected in WordPress by pressing the large, blue plus icon at the top left of the Block Editor or by typing a / at the start of a new paragraph, which will show the most commonly/recently added blocks by default. You can then enter the name of the block you are trying to add and it will update the list as you type.
The editing of text for this panel is all handled from the right-hand side bar, with text entry fields for all the elements that area used within this block. Note that the titles for each of the text entry fields are rather small and can easily be overlooked – below this text box is for the ‘Issue Description‘.

You can reverse the horizontal order from text / factoids to factoids / text – by clicking the ‘position‘ tick box.
You can allow the image to scroll with the page, rather than being fixed to the background of the page by selecting the ‘Scroll with page’ option from the dropdown labelled ‘fixed‘.
Below is an example of the Issue panel in the block editor:
Block – Issue panel
I am an issue
What’s the issue?
I am the intro text for the Issues section.
How do we solve it?
I am the text for the solution.
Our vision for the future
I am the text for the vision.
I am an issue
I am the number 1 factoid.
I am the number 2 factoid
I am the number 3 factoid. Only 3 factoid spaces are available.