NHS Long Term Plan

The NHS Long Term Plan was published in January 2019. It sets out key ambitions for health and care over the next 10 years.

Lung health is now a clinical priority for the NHS for the first time. This is very important progress. It will drive investment to identify lung disease early and make sure people have the right diagnosis and get the right medicines and treatment. 

The Taskforce was approached by NHS England to help inform the NHS Plan and played a critical role in raising awareness of the urgent need to make lung health a priority.

The Taskforce has ensured that NHS England has included the right priority areas and that it has given a real voice to patient representatives in the governance for the plan. This has been a notable achievement.

 “Thanks to the Taskforce, patient organisations are now embedded at every level in the structure of NHS England’s Long Term Plan. This is a remarkable change from old practices and ensures that the patient’s view will always be considered in the development of new services.”

Mike Morgan, NHS England Respiratory National Clinical Director until October 2019

“The Taskforce shows the importance of the patient voice in bringing about improvements in treatment and care. We have been involved from the earliest stage and have always felt that our experience and input mattered.”

“The health service can improve the way it manages change by involving patients, alongside clinicians and commissioners, as early as possible. If you alter the way something has been done for a long time, you need to provide information in a way that clearly sets out the benefits to patients.”

Lynn Willacy, NHS England Respiratory Delivery Board patient representative